About the event
The Central European Joint Infodays 2023 (training seminar focusing on Erasmus+ international centralised actions in higher education) are organised by Erasmus+ National Agencies from four neighbouring countries: Austria, Czechia, Hungary and Slovakia. This year, the event will take place in Vienna on 4–5 December 2023 and it will be organized as an Erasmus+ Training and Cooperation Activity (TCA).
The event is set in the context of the Erasmus+ Call for Proposals 2024 and will focus mainly on the international dimension of the programme, i. e. actions supporting cooperation between Programme and Partner Countries in the higher education sector.
The following actions will be covered:
- Erasmus Mundus (Joint Masters and Design Measures)
- Capacity Building in Higher Education
- Jean Monnet (Chairs, Modules, Centres of Excellence and Networks)
This year the event is targeting future project coordinators and higher education institutions which already have an idea about a specific project proposal, and they want to develop this proposal further. Representatives of higher education institutions interested in participating will be required to briefly introduce their project idea for one (or more) of the actions mentioned above. Based on the submitted applications, the four NAs will then select the final participants of the event.
For all selected participants a “preparatory” webinar will take place (approximately at the of November) where the general information, theoretical background and objectives of the above-mentioned actions will be presented. The event itself will focus on the practical issues, such as the evaluation criteria, good practice examples, preparation of the project proposals etc. There will also be possibilities for sharing of experience and networking.
Participants will also have the opportunity to meet representatives from the European Commission, EACEA, National Erasmus+ Offices and/or National Focal Points, whose members will explain priorities of their respective Erasmus+ partner countries/regions relevant for future project proposals.
Through in-depth practical presentations and discussions, the organisers expect to provide encouragement and practical support to potential applicants under the 2024 Erasmus+ call for proposals.
The event targets representatives of higher education institutions in Austria, Czechia, Hungary and Slovakia interested in international dimension of the Erasmus+ programme.
Practical information
Practical information about the venue, the transport etc. will be updated closer to the event.
For more information, please, contact the ICP (International Contact Point) in your country listed below.
Hosting national agency
Ebendorferstraße 7
1010 Wien
Ms. Martina Friedrich
Co-organising national agencies
Tempus Public Foundation
Kéthly Anna tér 1.
H-1077 Budapest
Ms. Bettina Ugrósdy-Beregi
Mr. Márton Beke
Rue Montoyer 23
1000 Brussels, Belgium
Ms. Bára Křenek Sobotková